Friday Night Nachos

Here’s an idea for a quick, end of the week meal. Leftovers in the fridge come together to create a “better for you than ordering out” nacho dinner. I used leftover roasted chicken, half a can of whole tomatoes, a package of mushrooms, black beans, chili spices and frozen edamame. Served it with whole grain tortilla chips, cheddar cheese, salsa, plain Greek yogurt and a quick side of greens and baby carrots. I got a “this is really good” from the family.




Friday Night Nachos

This is an assemble whatever you have on hand dinner. I sauteed together leftover roasted chicken, minced garlic, cumin, coriander, chili powder, ground chipotle chile, mushrooms, black beans, canned whole tomatoes and edamame. Served it with tortilla chips, grated cheddar cheese, salsa and Greek yogurt.

2 Comments Add yours

  1. Gina says:

    looks delicious. I have to say, your New Year’s Day Pork and Sauerkraut was delicious! I added more apples, or maybe it was the beer to the sauerkraut…. whatever it was, it was great!

    1. Judy Matusky says:

      Thanks Gina. More apples is a great idea! So glad you liked it! Greg and I just had the leftover chicken taco mixture on a salad for lunch.

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