Blueberry and Spice Bowl

A diet filled with a variety of antioxidant-rich foods can have many health benefits like lowered cholesterol, stabilized blood sugar, reduced inflammation, and a decreased risk of cancer. Plant foods like berries, green leafy vegetables, herbs and spices are packed with anti-inflammatory compounds but sometimes it’s hard to figure out how to regularly get these…

Ginger and Turmeric Hot Cider

There’s no single nutrient or food that can prevent or cure cancer but an eating pattern that keeps us at a healthy weight, increases our intake of foods rich in fiber, antioxidants and other plant compounds may lower our risk. Here are two potential cancer fighters in one mug. Both ginger and turmeric combine with…

Ginger,Tofu and Brown Rice Stir-fry Bowl

Stir-fry recipes are perfect for fast and easy meals. By combining a bunch of healthy ingredients, you can create a delicious dish with little time and effort. This stir-fry bowl includes freshly grated ginger, crispy tofu, brown rice and chopped vegetables. Ingredients: 1 tablespoon plus 1 teaspoon freshly grated ginger, 5 tablespoons reduced sodium soy…